Friday, March 30, 2007

Blurry Vison

On Tuesday morning of last week, I wake up in the apartment of the newly minted Mr. and Mrs. Bridges to an odd sight. That being blurry sight out of my left eye. So began an odyssey that has created what are sure to a hundred pirate jokes.

Me, leaving St. Mary's Hospital, with my eye patch. They dialated my eye and I could tolerate the light.

Andrik mocking me by wearing my eye patch

After consulting a doctor in Evanston and seeing a doctor on an emergency visit in San Francisco, it turns out that I had a "spontaneous corneal erosion." Which basically means that several layers of my cornea just sort of disappeared in a conglomeration of scratches. For no apparent reason. Awesome, right?

Well, that doctor said it would be better in two days, but it wasn't. Because it healed as scar tissue. Still blurry. So he took off the tissue with tweezers and put in a contact so it would heal better. These are like the two things I feared the most. Plus, they dialated my eye again, but this time it lasted for two days

Andrik loves this picture of my very dialated eye. I just think it's freaky

I hate things that touch my eye, but I've had to get used to eye drops and things touching my eye. YUCK!! 1 1/2 weeks later, my vision is still blurry, probably for two more weeks.

But on the plus side, I have pain killer eye drops.

Pirate Rights

If you, as I, am concerned about the right to dress as a pirate, you should see this article. This poor kid is being denied the right to dress as a pirate, and I for one think it's a travesty. You'll soon see why :)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Whisper me this

Yesterday was the inaugural recording of The Dog Whisperer on our DVR.
I thank (blame) Eric and Liz for introducing me to this show in January when I spent a couple of nights at their place. I didn't realize that the National Geographic channel apparently doesn't run any other shows. This will probably rival Law & Order on TNT for straight out number of recordings.

Jen was able to watch about half a show this morning, and I think she's gonna get instantly hooked. I like Cesar because he's a case of a poor immigrant coming to the US and doing something that makes rich people pay him tons of money and idolize him. That's awesome.

Are you the pack leader?

To paraphrase The Man Song: "I'm the pack leader of this house, until you get home."

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Some Flava

Actually seen at the bridal shower of Dave Drelicharz...
Equal packets with the following phrases: "In Favor of Flavor" and "Fight for your Right to Flavor." Ridiculous.

Also from the shower: rare sightings of Adam Moses and Leah Norris. Mysteriously missing: one Mr. Jamie Sullivan.

Getting old

This picture says it all about our Friday night. We started drinking at home with each other at five. After many beers and some take-out, Andrik passed out at 8:45 on the couch. We're getting so old!
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