The Real Truth
I'm trying really hard to pull myself away from the TV's gravitational pull.
This morning, I couldn't help but notice the description of the show Real World according to the Comcast guide which read, in its entirety:
"Much thanks (or blame) for the reality show glut belongs here: young strangers live together."
I always loved that the show was called "The Real World" when the characters:
- were all universally attractive and/or had really interesting backstories;
- were given a fantastic loft or warehouse or townhome or some other great dwelling in the heart of a bustling urban area;
- were set up with jobs that they did not even have to apply for;
- all had a one-dimensional role to play (The Black Guy, The Angry Feminist, The Innocent But Insatiably Horny Rural Girl, The Antisocial Loner.)
If you've ever read Chuck Klosterman's "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs," he does a much better job raging against "The Real World" than I ever could.
Fricken MTV.
It's not easy to find someone to rage better than you. Then again, it's in a book, and I don't read much.
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