Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Real Truth

I'm trying really hard to pull myself away from the TV's gravitational pull.
This morning, I couldn't help but notice the description of the show Real World according to the Comcast guide which read, in its entirety:

"Much thanks (or blame) for the reality show glut belongs here: young strangers live together."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thirsty for Bling?

Read this, and weep for the future of mankind.

Monday, December 17, 2007

A bit too late...

... but the "good hustle" award goes to Liz for putting up a post after a three-month drought.

Sadly I didn't get to the Hungarian House of Wines. I did eat a lot of goulash and chicken paprika, and I soaked in the Gellert baths. Most importantly, I was introduced to the world's greatest candy, Pottyos. Beanie and Liz can vouch for its deliciousness. It makes the Dunlays cookie (which Andrik and Jen have also eaten) taste like crap.

Anyhow, I have nothing much to add, so here's a pretty picture. Have a Merry Christmas, all.
