Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ignorant comment of the week

So I'm waiting for the elevator just now after picking up my lunch. There's another guy waiting with me, a normal looking forty-something white guy in a Super Bowl sweatshirt. 2 elevators arrive, more or less at the same time. I get on one, Super Bowl gets on the other. I see a couple of other people get on the other elevator as well; one was a white woman, the other was a man in a turban (looked like a Sikh to me, but who knows).

I'm standing in my elevator, waiting for the doors to close, when who should appear before me but Super Bowl. He gets in, the doors close, and he angrily punches the button for the floor below mine. "I don't ride elevators with fuckin' ragheads anymore."

I didn't have time to recover from my stunned silence before he got off again.

What the fuck? Even the most racist people I know wouldn't do that, or would at least keep their comments to themselves. And this was in San Francisco!


At Wed Mar 01, 12:03:00 PM PST, Blogger Jen said...

Oh my god. My instinct would have been to bitch him out, if I could have gotten over the shock!

At Wed Mar 01, 12:26:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. unreal.

I couldn't beleive that stuff that I was hearing at the immigrant rights vigil that I attended on Sunday. Its astounding what some people think/say.

At Thu Mar 02, 06:03:00 AM PST, Blogger Jen said...

Along the same lines, I saw another great movie tonight. When you go rent Hotel Rwanda, rent Crash too. Fantastic commentary on racial prejudice and relations between all types of people.

At Thu Mar 02, 04:46:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are ignorant people everywhere, Beanie. Even in our great city.

Not everyone here is a peace-loving, dope-smoking, dirty-hippie.


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