Friday, February 24, 2006

Things of little consequence

So, a couple of interesting-to-me things happened yesterday.

For the third time in the last two months, I showed up to a job interview with my pants zipper open. I'm not quite sure how that happens. I don't leave my regular pants zipper down, but for some reason, I have a propensity for leaving a suit's zipper down.

The first time this happened, I was in the interview waiting room at school with a dozen or so other people. There is nothing quite as humbling as having a very attractive, intelligent girl with whom you're having an engaging conversation point to your crotch and say, "Your fly's open" (as opposed to "You seem to be very qualified for the job"). The second time, I found out as I was leaving the interview. I didn't get a call back. While I have no proof, blaming the zipper for the ding is as comforting as anything else.

Yesterday was the third time, and I discovered it the exact moment that I sat down in front of a partner from a consulting firm downtown. He has just written a book, which we were talking about. I spent the rest of the interview making sure that my tie was positioned exactly over the open zipper. Super smooth.

The other interesting thing that happened yesterday is that I tried soyrizo. (Before continuing, I will indulge Jamie by acknowledging that soyrizo means "I am rizo".) Anyway, last night I made my famous "Papas con Chorizo". The wonderful thing about real chorizo is that it allows pork producers to use every last bit of a pig by grinding it all together, sliding it into a casing, and selling it at a premium because its "ethnic". The bad thing about chorizo is that it is prefab heart disease in tube form. So, we found "soyrizo" at some yuppy grocery store. It has very little fat, no cholesterol and (surprise) no meat. I'm not usually a fan of soy products, but I felt adventurous. On the five star rating system, I give it a silver. It wasn't as good as the real thing, but at least it didn't fall down attempting a double toe loop.

If you try soyrizo, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind: 1) It doesn't have as much flavor as chorizo, so you will have to compensate with spices or real chorizo. Secondly, you are not eating meat, so you will have to find other ways to get the six daily servings of red meat recommended by the extremely trustworthy and health conscious people at the American Beefeaters Association.


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