Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Always follow the crowd

Everyone knows that I immediately cave in to peer pressure. The latest fashion fads, tech accessories, slang, religious beliefs, if it's in with the crowd, it's in with me.

Well, Pablo has put me on to the notion started over at Scobleizer. The idea is simple, create a new word, have bloggers post it on their blogs, and see how fast the rest of the internet (especially search engines) catches up.

What's the word? Brrreeeport. For my own amusement, I'm providing a definition.

brrreeeport: n. 1. an oral or written report whose primary characteristic is its brevity. CNN Headline News has many brrreeeports throughout the day.
2. any of several worldwide trade ports whose main export is cheese. Ester couldn't wait to dock at the brrreeeport because she'd been looking for a nice compliment to her riesling.


At Wed Feb 15, 05:27:00 PM PST, Blogger Jen said...

Nice sentences, but i'm pretty sure you asked someone to name a fancy wine, because i don't think you know what a reisling is :)

At Wed Feb 15, 07:48:00 PM PST, Blogger Andrik said...

Goes to show what you know.

At Thu Feb 16, 07:25:00 AM PST, Blogger Jamie said...

Why so many r's in brrreport? For brevity's sake, would breport make more sense? Is the word meant to inspire coldness (brrr)?

Just curious.

At Thu Feb 16, 03:08:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scobleizer wanted to use a word that had NEVER been used before. That way the search engines would have no record of it etc...

Hence the three Rs and three Es


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