Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fun with sarcasm

Given the general audience for this forum, I think you will find "Jonathan Swift's" blog pretty entertaining.

Think of it like The Colbert Report without the pesky limitations of a viewing audience.
Some of the most amusing things are the comments that people leave thinking that these are his actual opinions. You might have seen his name on, where he regularly posts book reviews that begin "I have not read this book...".

Fun stuff.


At Sat Feb 25, 11:33:00 AM PST, Blogger Andrik said...

Since I get no love, I'm commenting on my own post with an update. I found the review site for Jon Swift on The review I like the best is about Newt Gingrich's book "Winning the Future":

"I have not actually read this book but I think a new Contract with America is a great idea. The last Contract with America promised term limits, a balanced budget and an end to 'scandal and disgrace' in Congress. I hope this contract is as successful as the last one."

All his reviews are here.

At Sat Feb 25, 12:04:00 PM PST, Blogger Jon Swift said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I am especially humbled that you would compare me to Claudette Colbert, one of my favorite actresses. I am also enjoying your blog, which I would compare to Barbara Stanwyk.

At Sat Feb 25, 01:22:00 PM PST, Blogger Andrik said...

Kind words indeed. Of Barbara Stanwyck, I welcome the comparison to a hard working, well respected professional. I would, however, question placing a French actress in a list of favorites. Well, to her credit, she made it through the Great Depression in the US, so we know she had strong personal character.

Keep up the good work informing the general public about what's right and what's wrong.

At Mon Feb 27, 06:53:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


let's eat babies.


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