Tuesday, June 20, 2006


So it seems like everyone else in America went out and got a tattoo when I wasn't looking.

Before I go any further, I will stop and say that yes, I'm aware there are members of the Outside Context family who have tattoos. And I will preface things by saying I'm not referring to that type of tasteful, easily-concealed-when-the-occasion-warrants tattoo.

I'm referring more to big, gaudy tattoos on prominent parts of the body that are not covered up by everyday clothing. Examples:

1.) The cashier at McDonald's, who had "Junior" tattooed on one side of her neck and "Giggle" on the other.
2.) A woman I work with, who regularly wears sandals and has a rather large tattoo of Tinkerbell on the top of her foot. I can't even imagine how badly that must have hurt, although I am briefly reminded of Areli's "I Don't TINK So" t-shirt back in Mexico.
3.) A man at my company who has large free-form tattoos on both of his forearms.

By now you've probably guessed my stance on tattoos, which is that if God wanted us to have ink in our bodies He would have given us an ink-producing organ, like a squid. But I'm curious to know what the rest of the class thinks - have tattoos become mainstream enough that people don't have to cover them anymore? Should I get on the wagon and tattoo myself? What should it say?


At Tue Jun 20, 05:39:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

For once, at least I was ahead of the bandwagon. In this case, I was 8 1/2 years ahead.

I knew a guy in high school who got a tattoo on his 18th birthday. It was of Bullwinkle. It went from knee to ankle. Not tasteful or concealable.

I also knew a girl in high school who got a tattoo of Winnie the Pooh. Immediately above her hoooohaa. Definitey not tasteful, but concealable.

So, just to clarify Jamie, my tattoo is ok because it is concealable and tasteful. Does a tattoo have to be both to be ok, or is a conceable but not tasteful tattoo ok too? Is Winnie out or just Bullwinkle? :)

p.s. i'm the only member of the family with a tattoo, right? if so, i definitely think that you should get one jamie, as a show of solidarity with me ;)

At Tue Jun 20, 05:42:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

I've definitely seen plenty of tattoos I like, but I doubt I'd ever get one... it's just so, um, permanent. I prefer to live as capriciously as is possible and convenient.

That said, unless we're talking about a particularly offensive piece of ink, I don't see any reason why people should have to cover them up. I can see circumstances where it might affect your job (like if you're trying to command the respect of a jury or something), but if it does that's your problem and your decision. I think I'm on record as not being a great believer in office dress codes and the like (at least when there's not customers or clients around), which category I think this falls under.

As for you, James, I'd definitely go with the Mike Tyson faux-Maori look.

If that's a bit much, I saw a video a while back (since deleted from YouTube, alas) about some people with mustache tattoos. The idea is, you get a little handlebar mustache inked on the inside of your index finger. Then when you want to look sophisticated, you hold it up under your nose. And it doesn't even need wax!

At Tue Jun 20, 05:55:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Where did you go to high school, Jen? Tattoo High? :)

To address the question: tasteful AND concealable is preferred, but I'll take one of the two if that's all I'm allowed. I will say that symmetrical neck tattoos reading "Junior" and "Giggle" fall into neither category.

Since cartoon-character tattoos seem to be so en vogue in Bryan, Ohio, I think I'll get a Snagglepuss tattoo.

Awesome, even!

At Tue Jun 20, 08:23:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

not tattoo high, just bored rich white kids in small town america. who knew?

and i love snagglepuss. but where would you put it? :)

ditto to the bean about tattoos and dress codes. sorry jamie. i think you're a minority on this one.

by the way, when are we hanging out?

At Wed Jun 21, 02:13:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Well, I'm bluffing... I would never actually get a tattoo, although Snagglepuss is awesome.

Hanging out is kind of dicey since I'm out of town the next three weekends - fabulous Fond du Lac, Wisconsin next weekend (and the entire week following) and then Key West over the July 4th weekend visiting my parents, and then Washington DC to visit Phil. But after that I'm totally there!

At Thu Jun 22, 11:36:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I'm a little late to the party, but I'll chime in by agreeing with everybody. If your tattoo will affect your work, it is your problem to deal with because 1) you chose your tattoo and 2) you chose your work (I know Jen in particular will have issues with #2).

I think the "offensive" is a tricky one because different people are offended by different things and you can't ever tell what someone else will think of your "ink".

The sister of my best friend from elementary school got a tattoo of the "slow" donkey from Winnie the Pooh. What's his name... Igor? Anyway, she got it from knee to ankle as well. Very big, but very concealable when she puts on her mandatory black slacks for Sam's Club employment.

As for you, Jamie, I say you go with the classic "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed on your fingers so you can show them to people who ask stupid HR questions. Just be careful not to lose your left pinky finger because then it would spell "lovehat", and that's something completely different. The only nice things about lovehats is that, regardless of taste, they are definitely easily concealable.

At Thu Jun 22, 09:19:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

It was Eeyore, fool!

At Thu Jun 22, 09:21:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

I just gotta add my two cents...

Cent one:
I tend to think the tasteless in-your-face tattoos are a sort of public service announcement. They give you advance warning that you might be dealing with the future winner of a Darwin award.

Cent two:
As for tasteful, concealable tattoos-- ink away!


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