Thursday, June 01, 2006

Frankly my dear, I don't give a denim

Tomorrow, for the first time in its 166-year history, my company will have "Jeans Friday."

I'm not happy about this. I fall into the 1% of the working population that apparently doesn't mind getting dressed up for work; if I had my druthers we'd still be wearing formal attire to the office every day (we dropped that policy in 2001, the same time we banned smoking in the building - we were a little late on that one!) I dislike our current "business casual" policy only because it's so vague. Different people have different ideas of what's casual, and the result is that someone's always testing the waters to see what they can get away with.

The only reason I care so much about all of this is because it falls to the HR staff to play Fashion Police. There's nothing more awkward than telling someone they need to go home and change out of their bright pink culottes/pants with "Juicy" written on the rear end/Miller Lite polo shirt (all real examples.)

Getting back to "Jeans Friday," I'm upset because I feel like it's another slide down the slippery slope of unkemptitude (which is not a word, but I'm using it anyhow.) Nevertheless, I will be wearing jeans tomorrow, because I'm nothing if not a team player.

Or a lemming, depending on how you look at it.


At Thu Jun 01, 05:49:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

I'm trying to remember if I've ever gone to my current job not wearing jeans.

I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Although I did wear a suit to my interview...

At Thu Jun 01, 06:03:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

jeans friday is great. who wants a stuffed shirt environment? work's hard enough. yeah to brunswick!!

At Thu Jun 01, 07:14:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I agree with Jamie on this one. I have all day to lounge around in jeans or anything I want. You can be comfortable, display your sense of style and personality and show your creativity while still being appropriately dressed.

I, for one, look forward to putting on a button shirt and slacks. And I look forward to taking them off and putting on shorts or jeans when I get home, signaling that I'm done with my business day and am ready to get down to business at night.

Of course, all of this is assuming that you are in a business environment. Other environments have their appropriate dress. When I worked at the Mustang assembly plant for five weeks in August, I wore jean shorts and a t-shirt every day.

At Thu Jun 01, 08:07:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

I echo Jen, jeans Friday is great. But I think it is very different for men and women. All you guys have to do is pick a collared shirt and a pair of pants that don't obviously clash and you look put together. It takes quite a bit more for us more delicate folk to look business-y.

And Jamie, I don't know if you can quibble about slipping into "unkemptitude" of the body when you are so obviously unconcerned for the "unkemptitude" of spelling and word usage. :P

At Fri Jun 02, 05:45:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

that's the same argument i give when this guy i work with argues that no one should be allowed to wear open toed shoes. obviously he has never shopped for women's dress shoes and seen that 3/4 of them are open toe and the other quarter are mostly ugly

At Fri Jun 02, 07:01:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

I'll side with you on the open-toed shoe issue, Jen. Women have a HUGE range of open-toed shoes to choose from, and some of them are very professional looking. It's a little more clear-cut for guys - we have flip-flops, Birkenstocks or Tevas, none of which are work-appropriate.

Otherwise I totally agree with Andrik. I like dressing up for work; I think it helps me focus.

By the way, I'm currently at work, wearing my jeans. Since it's June, I'd much rather be wearing a pair of lightweight slacks, but say la vee.

By the way, I nominate my title for this post as Lamest Pun Ever.

At Fri Jun 02, 09:47:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I agree with Jamie agreeing with me.

At Thu Jun 08, 08:43:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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