Thursday, January 11, 2007

Home is where I hang my hat...

... or I will, if I ever finish unpacking. I *hate* moving; Jen and Andrik, how have you done it so many times over the past few years?

The new place is good. It's much, much older than my former apartment, which is something I'm still struggling with. The landlord did a lot of repairs before I moved in (and, unfortunately, while I was moving in) including a new kitchen floor, replastering all the walls, replacing the toilet and installing new ceiling fans. Yet to come are new windowsills. Still, I'm not used to the floor creaking when I walk or putting up with subpar water pressure from 80-year-old plumbing.

I'll have pictures when I finish unpacking. I still need a lot of stuff - area rugs (A&J, any recommendations for places to get them?), a coat rack, a rack to go above my toilet. I think with some with TLC, it'll be a nice apartment. And the commute is only 15 minutes door to door - amazing!

I just wonder if maybe I'm not a suburban guy at heart. We'll see how I adjust to the city living thing.


At Thu Jan 11, 09:52:00 AM PST, Blogger Eric said...

I recommend plants. They definitely lessen the whole urbanness of it all.

Also, a little licky dog.

At Thu Jan 11, 03:26:00 PM PST, Blogger Jen said...

definitely ikea for rugs. they have a good selection and were pretty reasonably priced, although what you save you'll spend on gas to get to frickin schaumberg.
so, when do we get the invite to come down and check it out. i can help you organize your kitchen :)

At Fri Jan 12, 04:32:00 AM PST, Blogger Jamie said...

Haha, fortunately Mom was in town the weekend of the move and set the kitchen up for me. Again. I've now moved three times and my mom has been there to do the kitchen each time (apron strings much?)

Plants are on the agenda. I have the one never-needs-watering palm tree, and I want to get one or two more for the kitchen.

We looked at Ikea in Dallas when I was there for Christmas. I saw a few things I liked, but there's the Schaumburg problem to deal with. I now live across the street from an Olson Rug outlet ("call 888-OLSON-RUG!") so I want to check out their selection too.

Come over whenever! I'll be up in Buffalo Grove for part of this weekend though, cleaning up and repainting the old apartment.

In case you're wondering, I was out until 1:30am at a recruiting social and had to be up at 6am so I can be back at the hotel by 7:30 to start breakfast. I'm still drunk, too. Fricken MBAs.

At Sun Jan 14, 08:29:00 AM PST, Blogger Andrik said...

Yeah... fricken MBAs. Where do they get off demanding so much for such a non-specific skill set?

A word of caution with coat racks: when I looked at standing coat racks back in 1999, I found that they were really expensive. I don't know what you'll find now, but be prepared to look for an alternative.

Hooks on the back of a door or maybe one of those little mantle-looking things with coat hooks on the underside might be in order.


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