Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Holiday Spirit

We knew for a long time that Bo had a problem. We try to ignore it. We imagine that he's okay and that these are just one-time occurances. But we have to face the facts sooner or later.

This is Bo's second Christmas (alive) and he hasn't been handling it well. I didn't realize the size of the problem until I awoke one morning to find him passed out under the tree, his breath reaking of tuna fish. Doesn't he know how this hurts us? Doesn't he care?
Bo passed out under the tree.

On to other cats.
We had to take Ally to the emergency room again because she got the lesions on her back just like last time. They gave her the steroids, pepcid, antibiotics regimen. They also shaved the area around which the lesions occured. It turns out they were all around her neck. She looks like she's in pretty rough shape, but she's doing better than she was a few days ago. Looks like we will have to see an animal specialist if this is going to keep happening. The last time we took her was in October.

One side of Ally's neck.
Ally's back.


At Wed Dec 27, 09:15:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! Hope she recovers quickly! Time to get animal insurance?!

At Thu Dec 28, 10:12:00 AM PST, Blogger Jamie said...

Apologies for the late response to Ally's skin condition. I'm in Texas and access to internet has been spotty.

Poor cats. I suggest one of those oh-so-comical satellite dish collars that make all animals look hilarious.


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