1997 to 2007... What a difference
Yes, party people, the rumors are true. I did just get my very first 10 year high school reunion email! It made me feel a combination of old and nervous. You see, I wasn't one of these people in high school....
so I'm not sure what it would be like. You see, in high school, I was quiet and studious. Nothing like the riotous good time you all know and love. In a word, I was mousy. Bad glasses, really bad hair, worse clothes and the poorest kid in school. People knew who I was mostly because I could help them with their class work. So, a quick outside context poll... Do I go?
Also, a fun little tidbit. The picture of good old BHS in the link above shows the front of the school. The first and only time I tried a skateboard, I fell right down those stairs. Mere moments later, my boyfriend at the time broke his arm riding down the railing on the left.
p.s. Jamie - sorry to post over the snake. he was cute, but I felt a need to get some opinions :)
Quiet and studious and mousy? I thought you were busy being thrown into cornfields from Jeeps while drunk. Perhaps I didn't hear the story correctly.
Definitely, unequivocally, absolutely, whole-heartedly, unabashedly, NO.
jamie - the jeep incident was in the summer, right before i started college. it was also the first time i was drunk, although not the very first time i ever drank.
andrik- your vote doesn't count, because i know you just don't want to go with me although i certainly don't know why ;)
Jeep incidents aside, yes, I think you should go. But I also remain fascinated with the lives of people I barely knew in high school, so I'm hardly impartial. Plus, my understanding of high school reunions is shaped by movies and TV, where former nerds like us come back and make everyone else feel bad about their lives.
The only high-school-reunion movie I can think of right now is Grosse Pointe Blank. I certainly hope it doesn't turn out like that.
I got a reunion email a couple weeks ago, although the main gist of mine was "does anyone know where our class president is?". I doubt I'll go, mainly because it won't be worth the cost of the airfare, but I wouldn't mind reconnecting with some of my hs friends that I've lost touch with. Then again, I wasn't a huge dork in high school like the rest of you (ha!)
Jen, I think you should go. Seriously, how often do you get to boost your ego exponentially like this? You are in a great place in life - you are beautiful, happy, have a HOT hubby, a good job, etc. - and you get to show all of that off. And if its no fun, you can always find a cornfield to go drinking in - but no Jeeps this time. And wear your seatbelt.
eric: two words for you, "band camp".
also, "rony and michelle's high school renunion"
liz: thanks. :- )
jen: there's no sense in gloating to people that you don't care about. good for you that your life has turned out better than any of your high school mates. will it really make you feel any better about yourself to rub it in their face? i know that you have strong personal self-worth and self-esteem, leading me to believe that the answer is no.
by the way, if it is scheduled to occur after we move, there is no way in hell i'm flying back for it. bryan is not worth the airline ticket either.
Very strong sentiments :) nice guilt trip about having a strong sense of personal self worth btw. i got another email last night clarifying that it will probably be in september and i agree that it's not worth the airline ticket. a five hour drive, yes, but a $400 airline ticket right after we spend who knows how much to go to a wedding in grand island nebraska for labor day probably isn't going to happen. oh well :)
Jen, when did you get a hot hubby? Congratulations! What are you gonna do with Andrik?
Well, he's with you tonight right? Maybe you can just take care of him for me ;) Or, Jamie Yeh will probably take him for me :)
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