Friday, October 14, 2005

The Government Says It's Official

I think it is infinitely cool that my dad just got his invention patented. Now I have an official crazy white haired inventor in the family. Go us.


At Fri Oct 14, 12:13:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

The best part is that the abstract contains the word "squelch." You don't see that one every day.

At Fri Oct 14, 01:29:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

This is pretty cool. I remember the good old days, when I dreamed of having patents and being showered in prestige, money and hot blondes.

Oh, how far we've come...

At Fri Oct 14, 02:22:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Exactly how far have we come?

At Sat Oct 15, 02:18:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I believe your question was more than adequately answered by Jamie's post today.


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