Thursday, October 13, 2005

Life imitates "Office Space"

Last week I found myself the subject of an ethics complaint at work. I made a few comments in the hallway about wanting to kill our accounts payable coordinator because she hadn't processed any of my expense reports. At the time I had a $1300 corporate credit bill due and was owed more than $1500 by the company. We still follow an antiquated expense reporting process (all paper, nothing automated) and I had been waiting for reimbursement for more than a month.

Think back to how many times you've said you wanted to kill someone. Have you ever really meant it? (Little Faber notwithstanding.) So you can imagine my surprise when I got called into the office of our assistant general counsel a few days later. She was extremely pleasant and professional, and after confirming that I wasn't packing an Uzi and intending to make good on my threat, she dismissed the complaint immediately. She even confessed it was one of the "lamer" ethics complaints she's handled (most of them revolve around sexual harrassment or kiddie porn on computers.)

So my record is officially still clean, but my takeaway from the experience is to make threats that are more ambiguous in the future ("I would like some kind of nonspecific misfortune to befall our accounts payable coordinator.") Now I keep wondering: do I give off some kind of creepy he's-going-to-shoot-everyone vibe? Be honest.

Out of curiosity, where do all the little platitudes under the blog title come from? Is there some kind of random generator that puts them there, or is Beanie writing them all?


At Thu Oct 13, 06:45:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

I always thought you would do well in a post office... now it's confirmed. :P

So will they be "monitoring" your performance now or what? And, do they really want killers going out to recruit young impressionable college students??

At Thu Oct 13, 06:46:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Nah, it's not anything that complicated. I just coded up a little AI in Javascript, then showed it all my favorite movies, told it stories about freshman year, that sort of thing. Then I bade it issue a platitude to each of its visitors. Not very talkative, but he sure is witty.

And for the record, I don't think you give off that creepy serial killer sort of vibe. At least, not before you tell people about your timetable collection...

At Thu Oct 13, 06:48:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Oh, and: hey, Moses. Sup.

At Thu Oct 13, 10:32:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

You know, I could have hospitalized you for that comment and then, when you denied it later, claimed that you had the typical denial present in a person who wanted to avoid inpatient psych units. Watch out what you say in front of me :)

At Fri Oct 14, 06:09:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

The only times that I think about taking the duck and cover approach to our friendship is when you get onto a topic with very "special" people involved. These kinds of people usually do things like man the drive-through or answer the phones at Comcast or handle student affairs at NU.

I would wager that this hallway escapade was one of those times, involving a "special" person. In the future I would "take it outside" if I were you.

If I were you, I would also give myself an intimidating nickname like "Mental" so that everyone knows you are not to be messed with.

What are other appropriate nicknames, you ask?
Killer, Pinky, Ramrod, Sniper, Laz

Anyone else?...

At Fri Oct 14, 06:41:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would recommend "Slithers" as a good, creepy nickname for Jamie.

At Fri Oct 14, 11:25:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Comcast does indeed have some very "special" people in their customer service unit.

I've especially enjoyed their new "It's Comcastic!" ad campaign. At work we have adapted the term Comcastic to apply to job applicants with a very limited range of skills.

For instance, at University of Tennessee I typically meet a lot of comcastic students.

At Fri Oct 14, 12:00:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I like Slithers because it's a nickname that is also a verb. That's terrific.

Jamie, don't take Jen's words seriously. She threatens to hospitalize me a couple of times a month. It's all talk.


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