Friday, September 30, 2005

Did he just say that?

I heard about this on NPR this morning. Apparently a former secretary of education, who now has his own talk radio show, said this Wednesday:
"if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you
could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."
You can read more about this here. Apparently he followed this statement by saying that it was morally repugnant to do this, but he never actually apologized for links African American babies to crime. Unbelievable.


At Fri Sep 30, 11:09:00 AM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Yeah, I think that soundbite was Jon Stewart's Moment of Zen last night.

Unfortunately, I think the whole "black people commit more crime" is a pretty hot topic in right-wing circles these days. At least that's what I've gathered from comments by an unnamed relative (biological, not philosophical) of mine.

At Fri Sep 30, 12:12:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

Who are your philosophical relatives, wise guy? Plato? Cicero? Camus? Please fill me in.

At Fri Sep 30, 01:14:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

This reminds me of a posting on the website where they had a video segment of Wolf Blitzer commenting on the thousands of people trying to flee New Orleans in the wake (that word is soo overdone) of Hurrican Katrina. His comments (as footage of people wading through waist high water showed) were something like, "these people are so poor and so black you have to feel pity [empathize?]"...

Hi-larious stuff.

P.S. Have you noticed how my spelling has improven?

At Fri Sep 30, 03:13:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

yeah, but this guy, according to the pm npr show, was only saying it was morally repugnant to have abortions to stop crime, not that there are criminals of every color and that it's repugnant to insinuate otherwise.

bean - i think your biological relatives should go on that show by that supersize me guy. they can live with a poor black family, like an exchange program. that would be awesome.


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