Friday, August 19, 2005

What did Bill start?

Today, there is more proof that geeks are slowing trying to take control of the world. Yesterday, Gooogle, Inc. announced that it is ready to sell more shares of its company stock. Shares are already at $280 (!).

Here is where the geek comes in. The number pi rounded to eight decimal places is 3.14159265. If you take everything after the decimal, you have 14159265. THAT'S HOW MANY SHARES THEY ARE SELLING! How more geeky can you get?

Geeks are the new money people. There is a generation of geeks who are now million and billionaires. For a long time, the "in" thing to be if you wanted to make money was a doctor. Then it switched to a lawyer, then to a Wall Street trader. Then it was an engineer (ever so briefly, because of biotech). Now it's a geek with a good idea and some bandwidth.

It gives some of us hope for the future. Too bad I will never be half the geek that Beanie is. Who's got the real earning potential now?


At Fri Aug 19, 01:52:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

You can't handle the geek.

Just one more reason why I love Google. And for the record, I really don't think "slowly" is the right term. We're taking over RIGHT NOW!!!!1!

Anyway, I still got some of my chips on lawyers, too. And I don't think doctors or biotechs are going away. Wall Street traders? See my previous post for that one.

At Fri Aug 19, 02:27:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

It has just come to my attention that Google issued 14142135 shares as part of their IPO.

That number, of course, corresponds to the square root of 2.

At Fri Aug 19, 03:21:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

This is just further proof of the geekery.

I very much agree with Google's crusade to digitize all information in the world and make it available online to everyone all the time. I think it's a noble calling.

However, I grow increasingly suspicious of their aggregate data mining and information retention. It's the main reason why I don't use my Google account. I really don't want a huge company to know the content of my emails and what I browse online and purposefully keep it and use it to show me adds. I know, I know, there are companies that are already doing that, but when they are little companies operating from single websites, it's much easier to control, which I try to do. If Google actually becomes an ISP (of which there are rumors) then what's to stop them from catalogging ALL the information that passes through its network? I don't like that idea.

Oh well, the geeks are coming. AND WE CAN'T STOP THEM!

At Sat Aug 20, 09:23:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Dude, you left out "human resources professionals" in your list of big-money careers.

Google deserves all the money they get from their stock offerings. For cartographic geeks like myself (are we "geek chick" too?) Google Earth and Google Maps are like a gift from God.

At Sat Aug 20, 09:25:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

That should read "geek chic," not "geek chick." Beer plus blog equals comical keystroke error.


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