Friday, August 12, 2005

That's rock and roll, bitches

I realize I've been somewhat lax at posting here, but that should surprise no one. So here's the catch-up from the last week (or is that catsup?)

Last weekend, we visited beautiful and scenic Lassen Volcanic National Park. At 4000 feet, it was about 95 degrees during the day. At 7000 feet, there was still snow on the ground. Saturday we went on a 12 mile hike, which was really nice, except that hiking 12 miles in the mountains in 90-degree heat is really exhausting. Next time I will bring: a) my swimsuit, and b) more water. Sunday we visited the aforementioned "Bumpass Hell" which is a bubbling stinky valley full of sulfur vents, mudpots, and boiling springs. The creek running out is gray, and the whole place smells like it got good and Bronheimed. Ewww. Pictures are still forthcoming, but we haven't gotten them off the camera yet.

Tuesday, we saw the Black Crowes at the Fillmore. Great venue plus great band equals great concert. Extra bonuses included lots of hippies and weed, and the crazy guy next to us who kept shouting things like "That's rock and roll, bitches! Yeah!" Although I was pretty disappointed with myself for not knowing more of their songs beforehand.

Tonight we're seeing Dave Matthews with, I believe, Black Eyed Peas and JEM. Not one I probably would have picked on my own, but one of our friends had extra tickets. Should be an entertaining evening at least. And yes, Jamie, I do like Dave Matthews. Get over it.


At Fri Aug 12, 10:52:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

Sounds like this week is concert week.

I'm interested to know your review of the BEP. Who (what) is JEM? As far as the Dave Matthews thing goes, well, you were a hetero frat boy in the late nineties. That means that you were bound to be sucked into the Dave Matthews Machine. Not to worry, you are not alone.

Hey, are you paying $3 for gas? It's getting bad here. The Prius is starting to make sense. I heard in a report somewhere a while back that Toyota is planning to release 10 (!) new hybrid vehicles in the next couple of years. Talk about being ahead of the game.

We finally got a nice thunderstorm here last night after several days of sweat through the couch H&H (heat and humidity). At this point I'm actually looking forward to the chill of winter. Of course, that'll last until mid-December when I'm freezing my Bumpass off.

At Fri Aug 12, 12:04:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Look, I'm not a *huge* Dave fan, but I think his band is really really talented, and he writes decent music. They at least give a good concert. Jem, it would appear, is just this one chick who is sorta like Dido. Pretty cute, too, it looks like. I seem to remember hearing one of her songs on the radio a while back, but I couldn't tell you how it goes.

Gas here is real close to $3... I saw a shot on CNBC yesterday that they claimed was from SF, showing the cheap gas at 3.09. I think you can still find it for 2.70 or so, although I haven't filled up since Sunday. It sure is nice only having to fill my tank every two weeks. Hybrids started to make sense long ago, if you ask me... I'm glad Toyota is taking such an initiative, maybe it will convince other mfrs to do the same.

It's been cold and foggy here all week. How do you like them manzanitas?

At Fri Aug 12, 02:04:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Wait a minute, Jem? Like that cartoon from the 1980s where the businesswoman turned into a punk rock princess, just by touching her funky earrings?

The theme song was catchy and hammered home the point that Jem was truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous. "Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous."

Showtime, Synergy!

(aside: gas in Buffalo Grove is $2.59)


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