Tuesday, August 23, 2005

crunch during rush hour

This morning was a very bad commute to work.

Much to Andrik's dismay and our Mazda's chagrin, I was rear-ended on 294. I was at first infuriated, because I didn't even stop short and the woman had a TON of room in which to stop before hitting me. But she did hit me, and hard. Andrik says she must have been going no more than 20 mph, which I always thought was slow, but which felt like 50 mph. Although a 50 mph crash probably would have knocked me out, so let's not think about that one too much.

So I was a big baby and cried a little. I called Andrik, my boss, the state police and my insurance company, in that order. My back hurt, but the cop said I didn't need an ambulance and suggested I see a doctor. Andrik asked me if I was going to make a doctor's appointment. Then I got to work and my boss made an appointment for me so that I'd go. I hate unneccesary doctor's appointments. But, my back pain got a little worse and I decided to go.

Which brings me to the happy news: I love the chiropractor. They worked on me for about an hour and it definitely hurt. But now I feel much better. Not terrific, but much better. The chiropractor, Dr. Dave, was very nice and found out that I'm having minor muscle spasms on my upper left and my lower right. He swears that it will probably hurt more tomorrow but that if I ice it and have normal activity for the next couple of days, I won't be inhibited from hiking or horseback riding or surfing in Costa Rica (all on our itinerary). The doctor said it was very good that I was wearing my seatbelt and that she slowed way down before she hit me.

Andrik reminds me that I need to sing the praises of Progressive Insurance company. I have spoken with three people from the company today, all very nice. A claims manager called me within two hours of the accident and the claims rep called me within another hour. It looks like the claim is going through the other woman's insurance (and to screw with her premiums instead of mine), so I don't have to do much. But the woman who took my initial call did a good job of calming me down and the claims people were very prompt and friendly. I sort of expected them to drive to the accident, like in the commercials, but I was kind of glad they didn't because I didn't want to wait for them.

Anyway, I promise to post more often with positive things, instead of only being inspired to write about bad things.


At Tue Aug 23, 03:22:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

So glad you are not seriously hurt!!!
And on the very positive side, when do you guys leave for Costa Rica?

At Tue Aug 23, 04:00:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Glad you're ok, dude. Car accidents are best when no one is hurt and it's not your fault.

At Wed Aug 24, 01:05:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

We leave for the va-ca on Sunday very morning. We meet the rest of the group Sunday at 3:30 AM. Jen is floating the idea of just staying up and drinking until it's time to leave.
I will get the plane/trip details and post them here later, you know, just in case you should need them.

At Wed Aug 24, 01:14:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

You're visiting a cow? What?


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