Friday, September 08, 2006


I go halfway around the world to hang out with Kellogg folk?!? Small world. I spent most of yestderday cruising the islands around Hvar, Croatia with a bunch of guys from Andrik's world. (I'm not entirely sure about names, but I think the guys that said they knew Andrik from his program were Dave Sweeney(?) and Ben (really tall, dark hair).) After five weeks on the road, it was really nice to hang out with some Americans for a while.

Anyway, I'm here in Croatia for another week before heading up to central Europe. It's fabulously beautiful here, and I highly recommend travelling through here soon before it gets much more touristy. But I am hoping for some cooler weather up north - my poor freckled skin can't take many more beach days. :P

Many picts to come when I am home (I think I'm up to around 500 or so...).


At Tue Sep 12, 07:26:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

That's awesome. Dave's a good guy. I'm not sure which Ben you mean. Could it have been Ben Nimmergut? He's the only tall Ben that I can think of. If it is, he's really cool too.

Both of them should be back in Chicago by now. We start classes again this Thursday. I hope to download the pictures from out trip today and put up some sort of the two fabulous weeks Jen and I had in the land of euros.

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