Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Baby formula for success

This weekend Jen and I went to Boston to visit our good friends, Keith and Julie, who just (10 weeks ago) had a baby girl. I think that people tend to like the newborn babies of their friends. Let me tell you that this is much easier when the newborn is ridiculously cute.

Phone pic of Jocelyn in her carrier/stroller/car seat.

Before you point it out, I didn't forget my camera. I thought that Jen was going to bring it. She, in turn, thought that I had it. So, it was a miscommunication, which is different.

Jocelyn is so cute it hurts. Before all of you start talking, we are still firmly on the 13 year plan (right, honey?). Wenham was a nice little town, with nice little shops and nice little houses. All in all, a nice little place to raise a nice little family.

The game of the weekend was "what can make Jocely smile?". This is much more entertaining than you would think. I have to admit that I didn't even miss TV for the whole weekend. On Sunday, we went to a "public" park right by the ocean. It was the estate of a old, rich guy who donated it when he died. The grounds are great, and the views were fantastic. It was worth the half mile hike through the woods to get to it. Those old, rich people are such seclusionists.

Phone pic of a very limited segment of the view from the park.

Overall, it was a great weekend. One of the best parts was that my Monday 7 am (United) flight was cancelled and I got to sleep in an extra 3 hours after getting into Penn Station at 2:30 am.

Phone pic of Keith with Jocelyn.


At Tue Aug 01, 06:26:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

The worst part of my weekend was waking at 4 am EST to leave for the airport. arrived chicago at 9:00 and went straight to work. no good.

there are some much better pictures. jocelyn often looks like she's thinking hard (but she's not pooping), but we both got her to smile. I can't figure out how to post pictures here, so i'll do it on the main page.

honey, i think i'm ready to downgrade to the ten year plan. i mean, i am 26 :)

At Wed Aug 02, 07:26:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

Twenty six, schmenty six.


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