Thursday, January 05, 2006

It's worth the wait

So, I was waiting to take this comparison picture.
Remember when Jen and I met the kittens?
This is a picture of Ally then:

This is a picture with Ally and the same purse today:

They are both so HUGE. They are jumping all over all the furniture. At this point, the top of the refrigerator and any shelves on the walls are the only places that are safe from their curiosity. They just run back and forth and wrestle all day. I have decided that they have pretty good lives; sleep whenever, run around, sleep some more. Love it. Here's another shot just because its sickningly cute.

They have their first vet appointment tomorrow where they will get shots and we'll find out if Ally is actually sick or has an allergy or something else.
By the way, the ZipZap is a megahit. The only bad part was that they already bit about half an inch of the end of the antenna. I'll put a video up if/when I figure out a painless way to do it.

Update 1:
I just couldn't help but do this.


At Fri Jan 06, 09:53:00 AM PST, Blogger Eric said...

Damn, where'd you get those beautiful spoons?

At Mon Jan 09, 08:52:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


just thought I'd let you know my older brother will be joining you at Kellogg next year. There will be more Mosi in the Evanston area than one could shake a stick at.


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