A Taste of the Mysterious East
Meet Kaila Yu. She's a former Playboy model who has decided to branch out into the exciting field of producing phenomenally bad music.
Her latest single, cleverly titled "Let Me Get Up On You," combines traditional R&B with Eastern influences, bringing a new slant to the traditional act of getting up on someone. With a catchy chours ("heyyyy, uh huh uh huh") Kaila certainly seems determined to reach her goal. And with witty lines like "what i'm trying to say, is pass me the Courvoisier," she can't fail.
I support Kaila for thumbing her nose at the traditional "model minority" stereotype and proving that Asian American women can be just as vapid and hackneyed as anyone else. And their music somehow even worse.
Editor's note: when I did a Google Image Search for "Kaila Yu," I had to go through three pages of images before I found one where she had all her clothes on. Best of luck, Kaila.
I am a firm supporter of ex-porn stars expanding their careers into other media.
I only have two questions.
1) What will be included in the liner notes?
2) Will her CDs come with software that will automatically install itself and cheat me, as a consumer like Sony did?
PS. I like the word "vapid". It sounds cool.
as jason used to say....what a spicy mandarin dish.
Wow, you guys can go longer without updating your blog than ME, and that's saying something.
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