Tuesday, October 25, 2005

You know you're in business school when...

You see something like this in the bathroom stall:

Right now, I'm whatching Superman II (don't make that face, I took a midterm today). Among the many plot holes, I find these the most amusing:

  1. When Louis Lane "falls in love" with Clark, why is it that he NEEDS to give up his super powers? Why can't he just be Superman and screw around with Louis on the side? He already got the girl, it's a win-win!
  2. Why is it that the ice fortress is so far away and hidden that only Superman can get there. Yet, when he and Louis leave, they somehow are able to make it back to the US in a beater car with no problem?
  3. When Superman is still Superman, he's nice and would never get into a fight with anyone. But, when he is reduced to merely mortal, the first thing he does is get into a fight with a trucker. WTF?
  4. When the gruesome threesome take over the world (aka the U.S.) they go to the white house to find the "leader". Where do they find him? In the freaking oval office. Isn't that like wearing a gold Rolex at a pick pocket convention?
  5. What are the chances that Jorel would put his only son into a space ship, then blast it off and have it land light years away on Earth. Then, have the same guy encarcerate three nasty thugs in a window and send them off to the same planet as his only son? I don't think so.
  6. Han shot first.
My last observation is this: why are there so many mothers with newborns in basonets walking around just waiting for huge objects to fall on them? Are they just stupid? Comcastic? Both?


At Tue Oct 25, 04:28:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

First, how could you possibly have time for superman 2?

second, who's louis and when did superman turn gay? last i checked, only guys were named louis. although, there are women named lois....

At Tue Oct 25, 05:04:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

What face? This is the only face I got...

1. Listen to your wife.
2. He's Superman, stop asking questions.
3. Cause truckers are assholes.
4. Consider our current "leader". What's to say the guy in the movie was any smarter?
5. Yeah, but it's Superman. Stop asking questions.
6. Of course he did. Han is a bad ass.
7. Clearly, "Comcastic" is a subset of stupid. And if I have to watch that damn $25,000 pyramid ad again, I'm gonna scream.

P.S. Mister resourceful should look up the difference between "observation" and "question".

Here's my Superman-related observation: Nicolas Cage is a moron.

At Wed Oct 26, 12:27:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

Mister Resourceful has better things to do with his time than to look up things for your enjoyment (usually). For example, I just finished a powerpoint slide for a consulting presentation with this sentence in it (I'm not making this up):
"The new organization must augment its existing core competencies by shifting to a customer focused integration structure."

Envy me, it's 2:30 AM.

At Wed Oct 26, 11:18:00 AM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

God help us, you're turning into one of Them.

At Thu Oct 27, 01:25:00 PM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

Look inside yourself... you've always known.


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