This is VERY important.
I know that you were sitting around thinking to yourself, "Self, I just don't know enough about the latest Star Wars fan upheavel revolving around the re-release of the first trilogy". I know what you mean. That's why my mission is to fill this void in your life.
Last Tuesday, the Chicago Mayor's Office of Special Events finished the Outdoor Film Festival by showing the remastered version of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. At Grant Park there were many interesting personalities, including these shady-looking characters:
[FYI, behind the cast was the NU Solar Car that raced in this year's North American Solar Challange. They were partially sponsored by ComEd (an Exelon Company - but not necessarily an excellent company).]
The real core of this post is that we were introduced to a vast counter-culture that goes by the rallying cry "Han Shot First". If you want the more official version of things straight from the geeks, go here. For your instant gratification, I will give you the abreviated version.
When George Lucas remastered his much adored opener to the first Star Wars trilogy, he changed many things with advanced computer graphics. A part of the die-hard fan base grew to believe that he actually made the move worse. The epitome of this is the scene in the "Star Wars cantina" where Han Solo is almost apprehended by a bounty hunter. To get away, Han kills the hunter, Greedo. In the original movie, Han shoots Greedo pre-emptively. However, in the remastered version, Greedo shoots Han from less than a meter away and misses. Only after this does Han shoot and kill him.
This change upset many fans who liked Han so much because he was the kind of character who could ruthlessly kill another person if the situation called for it. Now, fans show their disappointment by passive-aggressively using picket-style signs and wearing these t-shirts to events. You can buy one too and be just as cool as them.
That concludes this lesson of the week.
Well, I knew that. Duh.
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