Thursday, August 04, 2005


So, is there a cure for Typer Shark?

I started playing the game after Jen and Jamie just happened to mention that my typing sucks. I had been aware of this for some time, but there is never anything that highlights it. It's not like there is a way to keep track of the time lost due to hitting the backspace key. There are certainly no typing critics looking over your shoulder as you write emails.

Nevertheless, I started playing Typer Shark as a distraction and now I play it all the time. I have gotten to stage 13 on the "Expert" level. That's supposed to equate to ~50 wpm. That's not very much. When I took my typing class in 7th grade, we had to have 60 wpm to pass. The kids with computers always had higher scores (duh).

But now I feel like I have to play it. Got a few minutes before the next show is on? Play a quick game. Gotta go pee? Can you hold it long enough for a quick game?

It's not all bad. Typer Shark showed me that there is a word "haed". That's good, right?


At Thu Aug 04, 11:25:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

I'll confess that I too am a Typer Shark junkie, although I'm not quite to the point you're at.

It sort of reminds me of the typing program we had in grade school - the one with the smirking cat who made you type nonsense phrases like "all lads fall", "he rode for a lass", and "she sells jell to Bill." Not sure exactly what 'jell' is, but in this cat's world, 'she' definitely sold it.

Back to Typer Shark: I hate the levels with the little hammer-shaped fish who have numbers and symbols like @, #, % in them. They can go straight to hell.

At Thu Aug 04, 02:00:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I hate are the sharks that have letters that change as you type them! What's up with that?

A shark comes out with something like "puf$7)" written on it, but when you try to type the letters, they change. How is that even a fair part of the game? I can even put up with the sharks that have the letters spelled as if they are on the other side of the shark so that a "b" looks like a "d".

And speaking of things that can go straight to hell, this heat and humidity can do just that.


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