Sunday, April 16, 2006

Kittie Surgery

Last week, the kitties had surgery. They stayed overnight at the vet, so we had our first night at home without kittens since December. This inevitably led to date night. We went to Flatlanders a steakhouse far up 94. We went there once in college with two of you guys, but we can't remember why. It was definitely for some event. Do you guys remember what it was? Andrik ordered what must have been the largest pile of bbq anything I've ever seen. It stood up off the plate and went on forever!!

Anyway, Bo got his boys snipped and Ally got her eggs taken away. Ally got stiches and couldn't keep from tugging on them, so she had to wear this satellite. The receptionist at the vet's office kept raving about how she's the cutest kitten she's ever seen. High praise for our little flower child...

Well, she's doing much better, now that she's got her stiches out. Bo's been fine basically since day one. I think the surgeries made them more cuddly. Just wait and see how much licking Radar will do once he's fixed :)

I'm including this last picture, just because it was freakishly cute when she burrowed under the blanket :)


At Mon Apr 17, 01:58:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

Oh, my god, Flatlanders. My dad still gives me shit about that, cause it's in like Minnesota or something. Good food, but lawd is it in the sticks. Probably right up by where Jamie lives, right? :)

Oh, and don't worry, Radar was fixed before we got him. We like to point that out to him every chance we get. He usually responds by licking our pants and shedding all over everything.

At Mon Apr 17, 03:02:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jamie said...

Dude, step off. I live five minutes from Flatlanders. Don't hate on Lake County.

I'm back in Knoxville, again. I passed seven Confederate-flag bumper stickers on the drive into town from the airport. If that doesn't reinforce unfortunate Tennessee stereotypes I don't know what does.

At Mon Apr 17, 07:02:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jen said...

I thought your parents were there. Why were they in town? Just visiting? I couldn't remember.
It's actually really close to Jamie's house. I almost called him for directions :)


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