Sunday, July 23, 2006

Report from Florida

I am in the great state of Florida this weekend, visiting the Smith clan. True to the family form, we have spent the weekend eating unhealthy food (they've never met wings or cheeseburgers that they didn't like, but who knew you could get cheese and bacon on french fries?), lying on the beach and playing games. But the games have downgraded over time. We used to play Monopoly and Risk. This weekend I've played Trouble with my five year old niece twice. Pokemon Monopoly is reportedly coming out of the closet very soon. Where we used to watch adult movies, tonight's agenda includes the Swan Princess. Oh, there's still beer drinking and poker playing, but the atmosphere in the Smith household has definitely changed. My niece is awesome and definitely spunky. She takes after her aunt, if I do say so myself. I am getting tired though. Hanging out for a weekend with a five year old is good birth control. So, if anyone needs to remember why none of us have kids yet, let me know and I'll hook you up with a trip to the Smith house.


At Sun Jul 23, 10:02:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

Eeek. Children! We are all sooo not at that level. I can't even handle Radar when he gets into devil-dog mode.

At Mon Jul 24, 07:36:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

I can't even handle me, ask Jen.

If Bo and Ally are any indication, when I do have a baby, my life will stop and I will have to devote myself to stroking its hair and rubbing its belly. I think this would be generally well accepted by the baby, but not so much so by my boss (either the one at home or work).

P.S. Devil Dog Radar would be a good name for a rock band.

At Mon Jul 24, 03:56:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

A: nobody can handle you. ask the rest of us.


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