Monday, January 30, 2006

Some never learn

I've known Bo for most of his life.

I've seen the cycles since the beginning. Up late at night, looking for pussies. Putting his mouth on dirty things in dark corners. I've asked him to stop. He never does. It's like his body has been taken over and he can't help it.

Now, I see him walk in late at night. I shake my head, knowing that he won't remember meowing at me for no good reason. All I can do is comfort him the next morning, when he inevitably pays for his sins:

Bo prays to the gods.


At Mon Jan 30, 07:25:00 PM PST, Blogger Eric said...

Do you find that having an alcoholic cat makes you keep the bathroom cleaner? Cause, man, if that was our toilet, I'd be scrubbin' off the cat right after I took that picture. Ewww.

At Mon Jan 30, 07:45:00 PM PST, Blogger Andrik said...

He cleans up himself, after sheepishly asking for forgiveness. Of course, he does tend to leave really short, white hairs around the bowl.

At Wed Feb 08, 08:05:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


don't want to know what you were doing there beforehand! No pics of that, thankyouverymuch


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