Friday, September 09, 2005

Fill in the blanks

Don't you people have anything interesting to share? Hasn't something funny happened at work? Are our ideas so homogenous that we can't even get a good rant/rave going? Didn't you see that History Channel show that reminded you about that time in World History class when you were listening to a lecture about the Elizabethan era and almost saw Christin Clark's nipple when she bent over to pass a note to Heather Abrams?

For my contribution I have the following -
Things I did not know a week ago:
  1. Among top tier business schools, Kellogg is known (by far) as the party school.
  2. If you pour Budweiser, Bud Lite, Miller Lite, Olde Style, Pabst Blue Ribbon and Milwaukee's Best into a red plastic bucket, it tastes an aweful lot like just Bud Lite.
  3. Bangkok's original name has hundreds of letters in it.
  4. Companies pay thousands of dollars to be able to just show you their name if you are in business school.
  5. Pseudo-best man at our wedding, Simon, has been forced to take a semester of law school classes at UCLA because Tulane is more useful as an aquarium right now than a school.
  6. Pat Robertson has the power to kill people by summoning God's will.
  7. Ex-NUMB trumpet player Dan Gander is in my MBA section.
  8. If you scream until your lungs burn, then spend the next four days talking loudly in smoke filled bars, getting four hours of sleep a night and screaming some more, the phlegm that comes out of your throat has a little bit of a brown color.
  9. How to spell "phlegm".
That's all I got for now. I have homework to do.


At Fri Sep 09, 11:16:00 PM PDT, Blogger lizski said...

Did you hear they evacuated the penguins and sea otters from the New Orleans aquarium to Monterey? And the host penguins in Monterey originally came from New Orleans.
That is what I learned tonight. Slow Friday.

Good to hear Simon is safe.

Not so sure if you are safe, Andrik. How many types of beer go into that mix? Ew. Those companies that are paying thousands for name recognition should just re-label some decent drinks with their logos and hand those out. It would be much more effective for their purposes.

At Sat Sep 10, 07:18:00 AM PDT, Blogger Andrik said...

Liz, that is one of the most creative marketing strategies that I have heard since being here (one week). Sadly, I think it will remain as the front runner for some time.

To follow up on my spelling of "aweful", I confess that yesterday I wrote this sorta-sentence on the chalkboard in front of 75 people, "Balorinas enter down the isles".

Football cheer:

At Sat Sep 10, 12:00:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eric said...

I second the "good to hear Simon is safe."

Tell Gandor I said hey.


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